Saturday, December 31, 2016

Best of 2016

My 2016 was defined by grad school. The school year was quite a grind and I've never been so busy, but I do think all the hard work has been worthwhile. I did my best to squeeze in fun when I could, and summer break was a wonderful few months of relaxation, adventures in and around Seattle, and a trip to Vietnam.

In 2016, I:
- Survived 3 quarters of grad school and made it into the honor society for public administration
- Worked 3 jobs: King County Auditor, Seattle Department of Transportation, and UW Admissions
- Visited Vietnam, Canada, and 5 states
- Took 21 flights
- Saw 13 plays
- Read 10 books (not counting books for school)
- Ran/hiked about 200 miles, including 3 races
- Biked 203 miles
- Went rock climbing 19 times


2016 began with my second of six quarters of grad school. Far too much time was spent studying, but I did manage to occasionally go on some pretty outings. 

We ran a few 5K's, some of which were quite muddy. 

I went on a weekend trip to New York with my family!

The occasion was an annual family trip to the opera. It was a very lavish and fun experience. 

I also got to see my friend Lauren and do some fun wandering in the city!


My fellow grad students sometimes blew off steam with costume parties. 

I said goodbye to Robert, the best dog in the world.

I organized a snowshoeing trip to Mount Rainier for about 20 classmates. 


Far too much time was spent in Parrington Hall, but at least Leonard was there. 

I survived winter quarter and Seattle's endless dreariness.

A group of us went to Vancouver for spring break! 

We rented an awesome house with a great view of the city. 

We did lots of exploring and general recovering from the madness of grad school. 


Spring quarter started, but the weather made it much more bearable.

We took a quick kayak trip on Lake Union. 


I got to have lunch with former Governor Dan Evans, the namesake of my grad school program. I also got to hear former Governor Christine Gregoire speak later in the quarter, which was very inspiring.

Ben and I went to a LOT of plays.

Ben and I discovered an awesome secret park in his neighborhood.

Darcy visited!

For some reason we continued to sign up for races. Ben and I did not beat the bridge.

I bought a new (used) car! A huge relief after a 6 month fender bender/insurance saga.

We celebrated surviving our first year of grad school with Evans Prom!

Many cute pictures were taken. 


I finished my first year of grad school! It felt so, so good to be done and get a break after all that work. This photo is of the Evans School Student Ambassadors at our end of the year picnic.

I took one second of video every day all summer! I love the great keepsake of the summer it created.

We celebrated finishing our first year of grad school with a rooftop party.

I went on a family trip to Orcas Island.

We did a little bit of hiking...

... and playing on the lake...

... and lots of s'mores!

I finished my internship at the King County Auditor's Office by presenting part of an audit I worked on to the King County Council. It was quite an opportunity and a very gratifying way to conclude that job!

I started a new internship at the Seattle Department of Transportation. The view from the office was definitely the best part. 

My office worked on creating pleasant public spaces on streets and sidewalks, like this pavement to parks event I worked at.

Ben and I kicked off a very fun summer of relaxation, sun, and hikes. 


Ben and I took a 4 day camping trip to the Columbia River Gorge for 4th of July weekend.

We hiked up Oneonta Gorge...

... and Munra Point. And we had a lot of fun camping and relaxing!

The next weekend we hiked to Lake 22. 

I bought a new bike! 

I started biking to work a few days a week, which was a lifesaver from horrible commute traffic and a great way to enjoy Seattle's summer beauty. This is the view along the bike trail.

This handsome man turned 28! We played hooky from work, went on a bike ride, and ate a lot of good food to celebrate.


Ben's mom and family friend came to visit and we went on a day trip to Bainbridge Island.

Definitely my favorite hike of the summer: Heather/Maple Pass Loop in North Cascades National Park.

Pretty mountains!

Happy hikers.

I went on a 2 week trip to Vietnam with my friend Dahlia! First stop, Hanoi - jumping into the deep end of insane heat and humidity and traffic. 

We did a 3 day boat trip in Ha Long Bay. The boat and views were incredible - easily one of the most spectacular places I've ever been. 

All our delicious meals were eaten on top of the boat, among the islands. 

We did some very fun kayaking!

Ha Long Bay was beyond words. 

One of my favorite moments of the trip - I woke up before everyone else and watched the sun rise on the islands with my delicious Vietnamese coffee. 

Taking in the sunset from the top of the boat.

We went on a tour of this floating fishing village where people still live.

Next stop: Sapa! We went back to Hanoi and caught an overnight train into the stunning mountains by the Chinese border.

We spent one day hiking through rice terraces to small tribal villages with a local guide.

So beautiful - definitely another highlight of the trip. 

The women from the local tribes made beautiful textiles. We had a lot of fun bargaining!

Next stop: we bused back to Hanoi, then flew to Hoi An to meet Dahlia's friend Angie. Hoi An is known for its beautiful downtown lit with thousands of lanterns. 

Pretty river in Hoi An. 

If you're a tourist, might as well embrace it and get swindled by the locals taking your picture. 

Fun (sweltering) day trip to the My Son ruins. This was my last stop before heading home!


My extended family came from all over the country for a very fun celebration of my uncle's 50th.

As a last hurrah of summer before heading back to school, Ben and I spent a few days camping at Mount Rainier!

First and only backpacking trip of the summer.

Favorite boy in my favorite place!

I had my last first day of school ever! Started my second and final year of my master's in public administration. 


My mom's family went on our annual trip to Myrtle Beach, SC. 

Unfortunately our beach trip was cut short by my grandfather's death.

I attended a few alumni events for the Law, Societies, and Justice program and enjoyed reconnecting with old friends and mentors. 

I organized a hike to Snow Lake for some classmates as part of the environmental student group I help lead.

Halloween celebrations included Draco Malfoy and Liz Lemon.


I celebrated my one year anniversary with this lovely person.

The election was unfortunate.

My classmates and I got fancy for our program's fall ball. 

Ben and I joined my dad's family in Portland for Thanksgiving.


I left my job (and the great view) at the Seattle Department of Transportation and started a new job reviewing college applications to the UW.

I finished fall quarter, and with it, two thirds of my master's degree! I celebrated by going to the Nutcracker with Ben and Hedwig and the Angry Inch with Melissa.

I spent the first part of my holiday break with my mom's family in Maine. I also got to see Dahlia!

We enjoyed a relaxing few days in beautiful Maine.

I spent the second half of my holiday break with my dad's family in the other Portland - Oregon. I celebrated my 26th birthday with Melissa and Ben!

I closed out the year in Seattle with a great reunion of friends from college. Until next time!