Friday, January 4, 2013

Best of 2012

I thought it would be a fun project to look through all my pictures from 2012 and pull out the best ones and do a recap. This was a fun exercise because it reminded me just what an incredible year I've had - the most I could narrow it down is 83 pictures! I'm so thankful for all the opportunities and fun I've had and what great friends and family I have. In 2012 I went on 23 flights, including trips to Hawaii, New Zealand, Oregon, and Maine. I am one lucky girl and I can't wait to see what 2013 has in store!


2012 began in college tradition - watching the Space Needle fireworks at Gasworks park with my best friends!

I had just gotten home from 6 months in New Zealand and was very happy to be reunited with this incredible ladies.

Claire, Darcy and I started 2012 by doing the Resolution Run 5K on New Years Day, which included a freezing but exhilarating dip in Lake Washington.

I started school at UW again and had a newfound appreciation for how beautiful my city is after being gone for six months.

I belatedly celebrated my 21st birthday with some friends.

I did the No Pants Light Rail Ride for the third year with Claire and Ellie. Our picture, out of the 500 participants, ended up on the front page of the Seattle Weekly website.

It snowed, which is very unusual for Seattle, and we had a whole week off from school.

We sledded on the giant hill behind our house with dozens of other college students. It was awesome.

Taylor, Darcy and I went to the Tour de Nerdfighting, a show/concert/book signing for a brilliant and hilarious pair of brothers we've watched on Youtube for years.

We got to meet them! They are some of my personal heroes so this was very exciting.


February was pretty uneventful because I was too busy being depressed about being home from New Zealand and winter and school to do fun things. But Darcy turned 21 and we had a fun party and all dressed up so that brightened the month! 


Bernard and I combatted our newfound long distance situation by meeting in Hawaii for spring break - it's halfway between Seattle and New Zealand! Totally justified! Yep, that's my life. It was incredible, I absolutely love Hawaii!

We went to the Big Island and stayed in a condo in Kona for a few days and enjoyed the beach and the adorable laid-back town vibe.

We did a little road trip around the island and saw some amazing places, like Hapuna Beach.

We visited the beautiful (and giant) Akaka Falls.

Then we went to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park for a night.

We saw lava!! This is a terrible picture because it was so far away but it was still cool.

There are lava flows all over the place, so cool.

This is the steaming Kilauea lava lake, seen at night.

We spent our last night at a fancy resort back in Kona.

A trip that was way too short and emotionally charged, of course, but a vacation of a lifetime! I hope I can go back someday soon!

I came back to school to start spring quarter and the amazing cherry trees in bloom made things a lot better.

We also got some weirdly nice spring weather so of course we took full advantage of that and hung out outside a lot.


Claire and I got really into zombie tag this quarter and I made it the farthest I've ever made it in the game - we made it to the final mission and were the last 2 girls and among the last 7 players standing! We perished valiantly in the final mission.

My amazing mom got a new job and left her job at Mt. Rainier National Park after 10 years. She sold the house I grew up in in Puyallup and moved to the beautiful San Juan Island. So proud of her, I really enjoyed hearing her staff sing her praises at her going away party.

Amy and Darcy and I started to utilize finally being 21, seen here at a friend's birthday party in Fremont!


Claire and I went to see one of my favorite musicians, Ben Kweller, which was an awesome show.

I took a much-needed weekend out of town at my dad's house in beautiful Sunriver, Oregon.

I was an extra in a web series I watch that's shot in Seattle! It was fascinating to meet people I've watched online for years and see how the show is put together. You can see me this episode at 8:30!

Jorge hosted a tequila night and taught us all sorts of interesting facts. We went a bar called Booze and Burritos that apparently doesn't serve burritos after 10. We concluded our night at the most disgusting 24-hour Mexican restaurant in the neighborhood.

Claire, Darcy and I went up to my mom's gorgeous new place on San Juan Island for Memorial Day weekend. This beach is right in front of our house!

We did some walking and enjoyed the sun and scenery.

It was a much needed break from the city!


Darcy and I completed the Survivor Mud Run 5K. We had a lot of fun on the obstacles getting dirty!

I finished my junior year of college! Post-finals delirium seen here.

We celebrated by going to Sky High, the trampoline gym for adults.

Then I got on a plane and headed back to New Zealand for the summer!!

I found an [unpaid] internship with Habitat for Humanity and worked 20 hours a week all summer. I was ecstatic to find something productive to do so I could build my resume and get work experience while getting to see my boyfriend and returning to my home away from home in Christchurch. 

My first weekend there, we went to see the All Blacks rugby team play. When I was in New Zealand last time they hosted the rugby world cup and the All Blacks won. Kiwis are obsessed with rugby so this was a pretty big deal!

We went up to Wellington for the weekend so I could run my first ever half marathon! I didn't walk too much and finished in 2:23. This was a huge accomplishment that took months of training so I'm proud of myself for doing it :)


Bernard and I and our friends Greg and Suyi went on an epic backpacking trip to the Welcome Flats hot pools (a trip I did last time and loved). It was winter in New Zealand because our seasons are opposite, by the way. My last summer was in 2010.

Hot pools! We made some hiking buddies on the 7 hour slog to the hut.

Happy to be back at the car!

Suyi had an extremely fun Playboy-themed birthday party.


Christchurch continued to recover, slowly, from the devastating earthquakes in 2011 and I continued to be fascinated by that process.

Bernard and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary at Hanmer Springs!

We went on a short trip down to Queenstown, where neither of us had spent much time before. It was a lovely weekend!

The weather was terrible but Queenstown was beautiful anyway!

We went up the gondola to the luge track - extremely fun and awesome views.

They have a bar where drinks are served in teapots. Need I say more?

Even though it was winter there were still some warm sunny days so I enjoyed exploring the city after work and revisiting some of my favorite spots from my last stay.

Bernard and I went on a weekend trip up to Arthur's Pass National Park and did a lot of fun exploring. I'm still not desensitized to New Zealand's beauty.

Castle Hill, basically a rocky playground and possibly one of my favorite places in the world!

Classic NZ scenery at Castle Hill

Me getting my tourist on at Lake Colleridge. What an incredible country. 


All too soon, my summer in New Zealand was over. I'm so thankful that I had the chance to go back. It was heartwrenching to leave a place that I've lived in and loved for 9 months now, and of course to leave my boyfriend, but I hope as my post-graduation plans come together I'll find myself back there someday soon!

Soon after getting back to Seattle, Claire and I set off to climb Mt. St. Helens before school started! It was quite the climb...

After 5 hours we made it to the summit! A life goal crossed off my list, one of the most amazing hikes I've ever done.

It was a truly incredible sight, especially knowing that 30 years ago this mountain used to be cone-shaped. It was awesome to look down on that huge crater and imagine the force that blasted all of that rock out in a matter of seconds! 

Claire and Darcy and I made a trip down to Portland for the weekend to do the Color Run 5K!

Naturally we celebrated after, and had fun getting to know Portland a little better. 


I couldn't be too sad about leaving New Zealand because before I knew it Bernard was in Seattle! He came to the US with some friends for a month. Unfortunately I didn't get to spend the whole thing with him but I did get 5 days to show him Seattle! It was fun for our roles to finally be reversed and to have him see where I'm from and meet my friends and family.

I wore him out playing tour guide. We were blessed with a whole week of warm sunny weather, unheard of for October!

It was great to have him here :)

Then we went to Vegas with his friends! I'd never been. I think 3 days was about all I needed.

We mostly enjoyed the sunny weather and the pool in our hotel.

We also enjoyed checking out the Vegas nightlife. Unfortunately a lot of our trip was overshadowed by having to say goodbye at the end, not knowing when we'll see each other next! We're hanging in there and hopefully we'll have a plan soon :)

I applied to graduate in March 2013. I spent the rest of the quarter freaking out about how quickly college has gone and what I'm going to do after.

Darcy and Claire and I made the most of college Halloween festivities and went to some house parties, some clubs on Capitol Hill, and some bars in U District on different nights. 

Clearly, Halloween was successful.


Oh yeah, there was a little election, remember that? Washington legalized gay marriage and marijuana and this was the first presidential election I could vote in so it was exciting to be into the election for the first time and I was very happy with the results. 

Darcy, Claire, Amy and I did the Mustache Dash 5K, which was obviously hilarious. 

I went out to my mom's awesome house for Thanksgiving with my aunt and uncle and some family friends. It was great to have some time to relax and get out of the city and hang out with adorable dogs. 

Have I mentioned that San Juan Island is gorgeous? 

We did some painting! I discovered that I'm awful at painting but it was really fun and inspiring anyway. 


Amy, Claire, Darcy, Ellie, and I (finally, all the housemates in one place!) went to see the Nutcracker ballet, which was awesome of course. 

Katy, Amy, Claire, Darcy and I celebrated being done with finals by finally checking out some of the clubs in downtown Seattle!

Then finally, it was winter break. I spent a week at my dad's house in Sunriver but forgot my camera so I don't have any pictures of the snowy woodsy gorgeousness. Then we went to Portland for Christmas with my brother, sister-in-law, niece and nephew. Olivia and I made a gingerbread house. How cute is she?

Every year my dad dresses up as Santa and brings books for everyone. The kids love it and haven't caught on yet so that's always a fun tradition.

Then I headed to Maine with my mom to visit my aunt and uncle and cousins! I celebrated my 22nd birthday with a reunion with my study abroad best friend Dahila. I don't know if I could have thought of a better birthday gift :) 

I also got to spend a lot of quality time with my cousin Leah and enjoy how gorgeous Maine is!

I concluded the year cross-country skiing with Dahlia and her boyfriend Steve.

It really was quite a year. Thankful, and can't wait for the next! 

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