Monday, October 10, 2011

Last week of class and other Christchurch life

Somehow it’s the last week of class here! I can’t tell you how that happened, time is both flying by and making me feel like I’ve been here for way longer than three months. So here’s the breakdown of my remaining time in NZ: one month during which I have three finals spread out in (I know, what an annoying way of doing it) and then another five weeks in which I’ll travel around in parts with my mom, alone, and with friends. I leave for home December 20, so I’m a bit past halfway through my time here – that helps slightly with the bit of panic in the back of my mind about coming home when I really don’t want to yet.

So, recent events! I’ve been spending a lot of downtime in Christchurch, which has been nice to just relax a bit and have some quality time with the lovely friends I’ve made here. My life during the school week is not particularly eventful – class, yoga, sushi for lunch, library, hang out with friends in the evening. It’s been spring for the last few weeks so on nice days it’s very enjoyable to hang out outside and soak in the sun. Pictures are better than words for showing what I’ve been up to lately:

Cherry trees blooming on campus

Girls' night

Ducklings in my apartment complex

Dahlia's birthday

All is blooming in the botanical gardens

Rugby fanzone

All Blacks games are getting more and more exciting -
only the semifinal and final left in the world cup!

Taylor's Mistake beach out on the coast

Somehow we got involved in some sort of black sheep flash mob at the rugby fanzone.
Video here:

Only other noteworthy occasion that has no photos to go with it is that we had a 5.5 earthquake! That's by far the biggest one since I've been here but still not even close to the really bad ones they had a year ago. It was the first one to be big enough to be a little scary but still wasn't too bad - some serious shaking and lights swinging from the ceiling but no power outage or damage so we carried on watching the rugby semifinal. Just another day in the usual New Zealand life :)

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