Sunday, November 6, 2011


New Zealand has some pretty hilarious signs and names for things so I thought it would be fun to make a haphazard list of the little differences I've found entertaining while living here! Enjoy :)

Slang phrases
Ay/eh: isn’t that right. Attached to sentences as confirmation, as in “those chips were good, ay”
Bogan: white trash
Bugger: damn
Cheers: thanks, goodbye
Jafa: “just another f***ing Aucklander”, derogatory
Keen: interested, as in “I’m keen to go on a tramp”
Kiwi: New Zealander
Piss: alcohol, as in “keen for a night on the piss?”
Sweet as: cool, sweet. As can be attached to emphasize any adjective, as in “hungry as”
Ta: thank you
True: yes or is that so, as in “your tramp was good? True”
Real: really, as in “I went to Australia last week” “ah, real!”

Knackered: tired
Manky: gross, nasty, low class
Skody: gross, nasty, low class
Trolleyed: drunk

Suss out: figure out
Take the piss: make fun of
Top up: put money on, as in phone or bus pass
Tramp: hike
Whinge: complain

-PG-13 section-
Pash: make out, as in passionately kiss
Poke: go to second base with a female. Guess facebook didn’t ask any Kiwis before they named that feature right?

Instead of explaining what road hazard you should look out for Kiwis just warn you that something exciting is about to happen

Jandals: flip flops
Jersey: sweater
Sneans: sneakers and jeans, semi-derogatory
Stubbies: short shorts for men, usually worn in rugby
Top: shirt, even for men

Much more proper than "yield"

Biscuit: cookie
Capsicum: pepper, as in green or red
Chips: French fries only wider, as in fish and
Courgette: zucchini
Fizzy: soda
Flat white: mysterious delicious kind of coffee, like a latte only sweeter
Goon: wine, usually in a box containing the “goon sack”
Hokey pokey: popular ice cream with bits of candy
Lolly: candy, as in “bag of lollies”
Scroggin: trail mix
Toast and sandwich bread: distinction based on thickness

Meal types and times
Entree: appetizer
Tea: dinner

Food objects
Bench: kitchen counter
Trolley: shopping cart

Car dealership with billboards all over the city

Bach: vacation home, usually very simple and rustic
Car park: parking lot
Chemist: pharmacy
Dairy: convenience store
Maccas: McDonald’s
Uni: university

Love this one, it means that they can lower the bus door to sidewalk level if you're disabled

Arvo: afternoon
Bonnet and boot: hood and trunk of a car
Orange light: yellow light
Paper: class, as in “I’m taking 3 papers this semester”
Peg: clothes pin, tent stake
Torch: flashlight
Twink: white-out, for correcting mistakes in pen (used in the US as a slur for a gay man)

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