Tuesday, November 22, 2011

South Island travels IV: Dunedin and Moeraki Boulders

The last leg of our journey before coming back to Christchurch was Dunedin. This is the second biggest town on the South Island and I really enjoyed seeing it because it had a cool downtown area with an urban feel and it’s what I imagine Christchurch was like before the earthquakes. We enjoyed some great food and seeing the sights before taking off for the nearby Otago Peninsula and then heading back north.

New Zealand pretending to be British

The one obligatory stop on the way back to Christchurch is the iconic Moeraki Boulders. This is a collection of a few dozen large boulders on the beach and no one really has figured out how they formed or why they’re on this beach. It’s a big tourist spot but really fun to climb around on!

Pretty shells!

It was great to finally see the south end of the island and have my mom here to see some of New Zealand’s most beautiful sights with me. Now I’m having a day of rest and hanging out in Christchurch and then I’m off to the North Island for the first time – hello, Wellington!

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